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Privacy Policy

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Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. You can read more about this here 


This is viewed by us anonymously as graphs, charts, and tables, these show very basic information such as How many people (displayed in digits - no personal or identifiable information is available) viewed the site, for how long and when, are people repeat visitors and what pages they view or external links they clicked. If you do not consent to this or anything detailed in this policy you may not use or access the site, by using the site you agree to be bound by these terms, your statuatory rights are unaffected. 


We do not sell any personal information outside our organisation, however anonymous data, such as mentioned above, may be shared with anyone we deem necessary  such as prospective business partners. In addition this data and the associated graphs may be used for marketing or discussing the business with anyone we deem necessary . have separate policies in place about your data and we have no control over these. Additionally, when you click on an affiliate link, for example a social media icon, and you are transported away from our site, the landing page of the affiliates website will have different policies in place which we have no control over, we suggest you review them.


When you fill in the any form on our site, personal information is collected and processed by behind their firewall, it is sent to us as an email, and we treat it confidentially. It is linked to your site activity history mentioned above to give us a larger picture of how you interact with our site. This will include things such as your email address and name / contact number. This will only be passed to the relevant persons in our organisation and will not be shared outside the organisation without your consent. We may use this information to contact you regarding the contents of the contact form where necessary.






When you request to sign up to the website your account will not be useable until it has been authorised. Accounts will only be authorised after prior consent, this can be requested by completeing the contact form on our site.


Accounts will only be granted to EITHER those who are interested in our services OR Qualified TM operatives who are interested in being on our Freelance list. We reserve the right to ban your account without prior warning should you violate any terms listed here or elsewhere in our Terms of business or contract.


Operatives must have acchivied a minimum Lantra awards M1/M2  and their smart card must be valid, by providing your smart card number you agree to allow us to periodically check the status of your card using GoSmart by CSCS.


When you sign up your data and account information is held by Wix who have seperate data handling processes and you should read their policies before signing up, if you do not agree to any of them you  are not permitted to have an account on our site.


Files uploaded to the shared file are designated access to certain people. If you discover access to  any information that doesn't relate to your event it must be treated as strictly confidential and you must notify us immeidately using the contact form on the site.

Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
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